How should White play 62 here: You have 4 blots around the board, and you would like to tidy up as many as you can, so you consider 13/11 8/2: The issue with this play, is the spare on your 2 point can only go to your 1 point. This limits its range and usefulness. You would like to make your 3 point, so moving the spare to your 2 point is going too far. Making your 11 point is good, as it blocks 6’s and means that if Black runs one checker off their 20 point, you will have good 6’s to hit on your 5 point. You consider 24/18 8/6: This safeties 1 blot and duplicates 6’s to hit on both sides of the board. Unfortunately, Black can still hit you with 6’s, 4’s, 3’s and 1’s. This move leaves you too exposed. Consider 13/11 13/7: This makes the 11 point, which is great. Black can already use a lot of their 2’s and 3’s to make points on their site of the board, so there is some duplication here. But we do still leave 4 blots, and that is just too many in this situation. How about 24/18 13/...