Position 363

 How should White play 53 here:

You see that you can hit 13/10*, and then consider playing 6/1 with the 5:

I’ve heard many sayings in backgammon circles about hitting “hitting is fun”, “if in doubt hit” and “it can never be too wrong to hit”. But hitting is not automatic, and sometimes it will be wrong, particularly if the rest of the roll is awkward.

Here playing 6/1 puts a checker where you do not want it, and Black will have no trouble entering from the bar, and it will be bad if they hit you on the 1 point.

Consider giving up the midpoint with 13/10* 13/8:

This appears to give you many point making rolls to extend your 3 prime but Black gets to roll first and any entering 1 will hit the checker on your 13 point.

Black has lots of numbers that enter and make an anchor or numbers that enter and hit on the 13 point or your 10 point.

It is really bad to give up your 13 point and give Black complete control of the outfield.

Consider the double hitting play of 13/10* 7/2*:

This looks like it could give you the chance to start building your board while Black tries to come in from the bar. But Black will either hit you on your 2 point or enter both checkers from the bar, then you will be attacking when Black has the stronger board and you have an inner board blot. That does not look very promising, and this play is just too big.

The last hitting play we will look at is 13/10*/5:

The problem with this play is that you will be hit a lot of the time and you have stripped your midpoint.

If you had to choose a move, and could only consider the hitting plays, then this would be your best move. But you do have an alternative, consider the non-hitting 8/3 6/3:

You are only 3 pips behind in the race, but now you have a stronger board and you will have 10 checkers in the attack zone compared to Blacks 9 checkers in their attack zone.

It looks so natural to hit, but all the hitting plays weaken your position too much. 8/3 6/3 makes progress and keeps all your options open, while only making you a slight underdog.


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