Position 371

 How should White play 32 here:

This is from a practice match with a friend. The score has been removed. I have just rolled 32 and we were discussing what was the best move here.

You could just make the completely safe play of 11/9 7/4:

This is not safe, as you will be behind in the race by 11 pips after the roll, with Black on roll.

The future does not look good, as Black will position their 2 back checkers to control the outfield. It will then be very hard for you to run your checkers around, and as you are behind in the race so do not want to run.

Threatening to hit one of Blacks blots later, will not be much of a threat, as you will have only a weak board to contain any hit Black checkers.

Consider the pick and pass play of 9/6*/4:

All Black has to do is enter and they will have a great position. If later you manage to hit and slot at the same time you will only have one checker to cover the slotted point.

If Black enters with the 5, you will be forced to tidy up your 2 outfield blots, giving Black control of the outfield.

Consider 9/6* 7/5*:

You will be missed with 16 rolls, and then you will make a 5 point board with a 1, 5 or 6. That should give you enough time to move the checkers on your 21 point to establish control of the outfield or run them all the way into your home board.

This is hard to find, as Black has a 5 point board which should scare you, but not enough to make you too Conservative.

There are two sayings about backgammon that I like the most:

        “make the big play when your opponent is on the bar”

        “sometimes the biggest risk of all, is to take no risk”

The correct play wins 6% more games and 6% more Gammons. It does however lose 10% more Gammons.


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