Position 374
How should White play 32 here:
You were being hammered, and you have just entered from the bar with 32. Because Black has a 4 point board you consider making the anchor with bar/20:
The problem with this play is that you will still be behind in the
race with your Black on roll. You are only 5 pips behind in the race but this
move gives Black the chance to tidy up their position.
This is the move that plays to lose respectfully rather than the
play that tries to win.
If you want to win, you could consider going for the closeout by hitting bar/23 8/5*:
The idea here is for Black to miss, then you roll a 3, or 62, 44,
22, 11 or 66. Without counting the exact number of shots, Black hits you from
the bar with any 5 or 41, 31 and 61 – that is 17 rolls or 47% of the time.
You want to put your opponent on the bar, and cost them the most amount of pips so consider bar/23 20/17*:
Now you will only be hit by Black with indirects from the bar. You will be hit with 51, 53, 31 or 11 – that is 7 rolls or 19% of the time. That is 28% of the time less than bar/23 8/5*.
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